Reader here! I’m using up some vacation time, so I’ll be away next week, enjoying a little rest and relaxation.
I don’t have any particular plans, other than heading to the family farm near Conquest. Heading into Saskatoon to visit my brothers and their families. Maybe stop and see some other friends and family. Nothing too wild and crazy.
But I have a question for you… are you a chronic overpacker like I am?
I have a tendency to pack way more clothing and accessories than I need. I mean, I’m only going home for a week, and I’m loading all of this up in my bag…

I mean, most of the time at home, I’ll probably just be lounging around in the same sweat pants and bunnyhug all week, but I’m packing like I’m spending a couple of weeks away, and going all over the place.
On top of that, I’m taking my laundry home with me as well, so I’ll have even more options, that I likely won’t need!
(Don’t worry – I do my own laundry. I’m not a big jerkasaurus and let my Mom do it. I just know I won’t have to wait for an opportunity to do my laundry like I do in my apartment building!)
It isn’t just this trip. Last week, I spent three nights in Langenburg on location for the Sporting Dreams Lotto. All I was doing was working, and then relaxing back at the motel for the evening, but I still packed like I was going to be away for a week or more!
I guess I just like to be prepared for any possible situation, but it sure makes for a heavy load going up and down to my third-floor apartment!
I s’pose I’ll never learn and break the habit, but I guess I just need to work on traveling light!