Reader feeds his fast-food cravings!

Reader here!

I’m someone who is hungry pretty much all the time. Like the mighty Chewbacca, I often think with my stomach.

Now, I certainly enjoy a meal prepared with love and care, and great attention to detail, when it comes to flavour and presentation. I appreciate that for sure, whether it’s a great steak, sushi, pasta, or a dessert. It makes for a wonderful dining experience.

But sometimes, I just love to jump in the car and hit the nearest drive thru, for a fast food fix. And I know I’m not the only one that feels that way. Sometimes, you just need a burger and fries, or a pizza, Chinese takeout, a submarine sandwich, or some fried chicken. I LOVE all that stuff. Maybe a little too much at times for my own good.

I certainly have my favourites, depending on where I go. I’m sure you do, too. Even if you say you avoid fast food as much as possible, I bet you have one thing that you’ll break that rule for, such as some French fries or onion rings. You’re only human, and we can only deny the cravings for so long.

For me? If there’s one thing that is my “go-to” when it comes to a fast-food craving, there can be only one. If you’re of a certain vintage, like myself, this catchy little jingle is burned into your memory…

That’s right. I loooooove me a Big Mac!

The magic recipe is right there in the song. Over the years. McDonald’s has tweaked the Big Mac, but never strayed from what makes it so great. (Though, if I could make one suggestion, it’s be to drop the brioche bun and go back to the classic bun, that had lots more sesame seeds on them. But that’s just me nitpicking!)

Oh, and for anyone who thinks Big Mac Sauce is just Thousand Island Dressing, just stop. It’s not the same.

This’ll date me. When I started eating them, I can remember the glorious days when a Big Mac would cost you about $2.89. Those days are long gone, though. The cost of a Big Mac has risen, just like the cost of everything else, though.

Let me be clear… I’m not shamelessly shilling for Mickey D’s. I just love me some Big Macs. They’re one of my favourite comfort foods. As I said, I think when it comes to fast food, we all have our secret (or not so secret) faves. I’d love to hear yours!

About to tuck into my favourite fast food indulgence… the Big Mac.

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