Time for Fall yard work… Reader’s glad he’s a renter!

Reader here, and earlier this week, I was chatting with producer Scott, who mentioned that he wasn’t looking forward to the traditional yard work that comes with the arrival of fall, especially when it comes to dealing with the falling leaves that need to be cleaned up off the lawn.  He said he may just mulch it up this year, instead of trying to rake it all up.

I can totally understand.  Especially when it comes to trying to rake everything up, as we live in the western Canadian wind tunnel that is Saskatchewan.  

As the crisp autumn air sweeps in and the leaves change colour and fall to the ground, it’s time for homeowners to embrace the annual ritual of fall yard work!

Now, I’ve never owned a home of my own.  I’ve only rented, so I’ve never had to engage in this annual task, but it seems like a lot of hard work.  Of course, when I still lived at home on the farm, there was yard work to do, whether it was cutting grass, raking leaves, weeding garden, or heading the mile into Conquest, to my Grandpa and Grandma Read’s place, where I’d cut the grass and trim the hedges.  But as a grown-up, I was never in charge of making sure my own place was neat and tidy.

I’m sure that while the task of managing a blanket of colorful leaves may initially feel like an endless workout that goes on forever, when it’s done, it brings with it a special sense of accomplishment and seasonal joy.

Maybe you love getting out the rake and pulling the dead leaves into piles and bagging them up to get rid of them.  Perhaps you break out the lawn mower, and just mulch ’em up.  Or maybe you’re an evil neighbour, and grab a leaf blower, and send all your leaves onto the lawn next door!

There’s an undeniable delight in turning a leaf-covered lawn into a tidy outdoor sanctuary.  It’s like when you watch a winter football on TV, and the broadcast team inevitably shows a timelapse video of the stadium crew clearing the snow of the field, making it look pristine in time for the big game.

With every rake stroke, you’re not just tidying up, but also getting an earful of the crunch of leaves underfoot, breathing in the fresh scent of autumn, and watching the landscape’s transformation before your eyes, going from a complete mess to a tidy, mowed yard, ready for Mother Nature to allow Winter to do its worst. 

So arm yourself with your trusty rake, gas up the lawn mower one last time for the season, and head outside to engage in this beautiful fall tradition.  Let’s make the most of this seasonal spectacle and connect with nature, one leaf at a time. 

Who’s ready to embrace the rake life and rake in the rewards of a pristine yard this season?

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