Back to the lab for Reader!

What’s up, everybody? Reader here, and today, I went back to the lab at the Yorkton Regional Health Centre, to get some routine lab work done.

It’s been too long since I had had it done, and while I was at the doctor’s office a week and a half ago, he made an appointment for me to get in for bloodwork, urinalysis and an ECG (electrocardiogram) test.

You see, I’m Type 2 Diabetic, and I have to keep track of different things, especially my blood sugar levels. And, honestly, I haven’t been as on top of things as I should be, so I’m trying to change that, by getting my meds updated and being more diligent when it comes to testing my blood sugar.

That also means that, whether I like it or not, I need to be in better control when it comes to my diet, limitting the bad stuff, and eating more of the good stuff. I have gotten better at portion control, though, so that’s a start, but there’s more to do.

So, leading up to my appointment, I had to fast for 12-14 hours, with no food or drink. Which for me, is no easy task. I also couldn’t brush my teeth this morning (which I’m sure my co-workers appreciated!), over concerns that the toothpaste might have stuff in it that could affect my test results.

I zipped over to the hospital and amazingly enough, I timed it perfectly, getting into the lab without having to really wait at all.

Even though I hadn’t had anything to drink since about 10 p.m. yesterday, first, I was able to provide a urine sample. Not gonna lie – I thought the well might be a little dry!

Then I got about four vials of blood drawn. I’m actually really good when it comes to needles and blood. Over the years, I’ve had numerous vaccinations, gotten needles for freezing when getting stitches, and had blood taken for lab work. The visual aspect has never bothered me. Luckily, I’m not one who faints at the sight of blood or needles. Are you?

As a random aside, what causes that?

Finally, after giving all my samples, the last thing on the agenda was to receive an ECG test, which records the electrical signals in the heart, to show how my heart is beating.

All in all, I got to the hospital around 12:40, and I was done and on my way home at 12:55! Didn’t even have to wait, which is awesome! Now, I await the results…

Okay, I did make one stop on the way home. After fasting since last night, I was starving, so I grabbed some chicken, wedges and macaroni salad, and feasted at home! As another stroke of luck – they threw an extra chicken leg into my four -piece meal, making if a five-piecer! Today was a lucky day!

Anyhoo, routine medical work? It’s no reason to get worked up and stressed out. It’s just a routine check to make sure we’re all in the best possible shape, and taking the best care of ourselves possible. After all, we take our vehicles into the shop for regular maintenance – think of medical tests as a little tune-up for our bodies. Those regular check-ups help us stay on top of our health and catch any little issues before they become big ones. So, take a deep breath, relax, and know that you’re doing something good for yourself. Let’s embrace the journey to well-being with a calm and positive mindset!

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